Thursday, July 27, 2006

Alternative Routes

Okay...Berlin. A lot of planes go into Frankfurt, and that is in the lower southeast part of Germany, near to Switzerland. I think we can get cheap airfare into Frankfurt. Is there something else you've always wanted to see?

October. 2007? 2008? How many days?

Want to do a loop? There is something on the page you have referenced in the last post about an "open jaws" ticket, where you fly into one place and out of another. That sounded good to me.

I picked up a Holland tour book, but didn't have a lot of time to look at it. Eileen spent a year abroad in Holland, and she is enthusiastic about it. I love France, but I only know Paris, and very little else and my french is pretty mediocre but is probably enough to keep our butts out of trouble.

London might be nice; they speak English.


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